An important contribution from Siderúrgica Tomé Ltda. Caxias do Sul is located in one of the most important tourist spots in the city: the Church of São Pelegrino. The three doors identified as Gate of Peace, Gate of Justice and Gate of Love created by the Italian artist Augusto Mürer, merged by Tomé in 1983.
Your partner and children are a prominent part of the set. Children play in an evocation of happiness,
An exaltation to the family, which is the mother cell of society.
It consists of sixteen images. Aspects of the sea crossing and land occupation are highlighted.
The Gate of Peace, shows how it is built: through work, dedication and maintenance of the great values that are taught vividly.
It is the exaltation of the small property that gave rise to all the communities of the interior,
today known as Capelas, which are examples of how it is possible to achieve an environment of equality and solidarity.